Riverine Herald Single Story Panel 1 2025-03-01
Publish Time: 10:00 am
Victoria’s autumn firewood collection season just around the corner
- In a world where utility bills are constantly increasing, it’s nice that some forms of heating are still free.
- Victorians will be able to collect free firewood for personal use.
- From designated state forest firewood collection areas from Saturday, March 1 until June 30.
Riverine Herald Single Story Panel 2 2025-03-01
Publish Time: 01:00 pm
McPherson Media Group
- A third candidate for the seat of Farrer has been confirmed.
- With Labor announcing Glen Hyde of Tocumwal will vie for the seat.
Riverine Herald Single Story Panel 3 2025-03-01
Publish Time: 08:00 pm
Matthew Kappos
- Echuca’s quest to defend its Goulburn Murray Cricket women’s premiership has come to an end.
- Nagambie was the victor in the semi-final, bundling the reigning premier out by 55 runs.