Riverine Herald Single Story Panel 1 2024-08-21
Publish Time: 10:00 am
Carlton football stars headline fundraiser
- Three Carlton legends headline the Horneman Family Fundraiser at Rich River Golf Club on August 30.
- The trio will participate in a panel discussion on football, fun times, and fond memories.
- Footballers will share highlights and stories with comedian Marty Fields.
Riverine Herald Single Story Panel 2 2024-08-21
Publish Time: 01:00 pm
Shepparton to host Allied Health Futures Forum, an exclusive networking event for stud...
McPherson Media Group
- Insights into daily roles and career paths.
- Connect with pros and universities in allied health fields.
- Held at the GV Hotel in Shepparton on Wednesday, August 28.
Riverine Herald Single Story Panel 3 2024-08-21
Publish Time: 08:00 pm
Australian Poetry Slam heat in Goulburn Valley
Jemma Jones
- Shepparton Library heat on Sunday, September 8.
- $20,000, publication, mentoring, and paid gigs.
- 2 minutes per performance, judged by 5 audience members.